45 Best Variations of Teen Patti Game To Earn Money: April 2024


Talking about all the card games, we are sure that Teen Patti is the best. Whether talking about the simplicity of the game or talking about the winning probabilities. Teen Patti is a popular card game in South Asia, particularly in India. While it is widely played for entertainment. You should get along with 3 patti rules before playing it. One of the best aspects of the Teen Patti game is you can play various variations after you master the basic version. Just some twists and turns and you have a new variation. If you’re interested in exploring different variations of Teen Patti, here are 40 variations that people might play for entertainment purposes.

Let’s dive into these 45 Variations –

1- Classic Teen Patti: The traditional version with three cards per player.

Classic Teen Patti, also known simply as Teen Patti or 3 patti, is a popular gambling card game that originated in India. The game is a simplified version of the traditional poker game and is typically played with 3 to 6 players. But getting along with teen patti rules is also important. 

  • Objective: The primary goal in Teen Patti is to have the best three-card hand among all the players and win the pot.
  • Deck: Classic Teen Patti is played with a standard 52-card deck without jokers. The ranking of cards from high to low is A (Ace), K (King), Q (Queen), J (Jack), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
  • Ante: Before dealing the cards, each player must place a predetermined amount of money into the pot. This is known as the “ante.”
  • Dealing of Cards in 3 Patti: The dealer shuffles the deck thoroughly. Each player is then dealt three cards face down.

Betting Rounds in Classic 3 Patti:

The game consists of several betting rounds, and players have the option to bet, call, raise, or fold in each round. The betting rounds typically follow this sequence:

  1. Boot Amount: The first betting round begins with the player to the left of the dealer placing a “boot” or a mandatory initial bet into the pot. The subsequent players then have the option to match the bet (call), raise it, or fold it.
  2. Blind Bets (optional): Some variations allow for blind bets, where players can bet without seeing their cards. This adds an element of risk and strategy to the game.
  3. Show or Side Show (optional): After the first betting round, players may have the option to ask for a “show” or a “sideshow.” A show is a declaration where a player reveals their cards, and a sideshow allows one player to compare their cards with another player to determine who has the better hand.
  4. Subsequent Rounds: After the initial betting round and any optional side shows, the remaining players continue to bet in subsequent rounds. The betting continues until all players but one fold, or until the showdown.
  5. Showdown: If more than one player remains after the final betting round, a showdown occurs. Players reveal their cards, and the one with the best three-card hand wins the pot.

Hand Rankings in Classic Teen Patti:

The hand rankings in Teen Patti, from highest to lowest, are as follows:

  • Trail or Set: Three cards of the same rank.
  • Pure Sequence: Three consecutive cards of the same suit.
  • Sequence (Run): Three consecutive cards, not necessarily of the same suit.
  • Colour: Three cards of the same suit, not in sequence.
  • Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
  • High Card: If no other hand is made, the player with the highest card wins.

After the pot is awarded, a new round begins with a new dealer, and the game continues. The game ends when players decide or when a predetermined number of rounds are completed.

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2- Muflis:

Muflis is a popular variation of the Indian card game Teen Patti. In Muflis, the hand rankings are reversed, meaning the lowest hand becomes the best hand. This adds an interesting twist to the game, as players aim to make the weakest possible hand to win.

Objective: The objective of Muflis, like Teen Patti, is to have the best hand among the players. However, in Muflis, the best hand is the one with the lowest possible ranking.
Deck: Muflis is typically played with a standard 52-card deck without jokers. The card ranking in Muflis is reversed, with the order being 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A.
Ante: Before the cards are dealt, each player must contribute a predetermined amount to the pot. This is called the “ante.”

Dealing with Cards in Muflis:

1- The dealer shuffles the deck thoroughly.
2- Each player is dealt three cards face down.

Betting Rounds in Muflis:

Similar to Teen Patti, Muflis involves several betting rounds where players can bet, call, raise, or fold. The betting rounds generally follow this sequence:

  • Boot Amount: The first betting round begins with the player to the left of the dealer placing the “boot” or the mandatory initial bet. Subsequent players then have the option to match the bet (call), raise it, or fold.
  • Blind Bets (optional): Some variations allow for blind bets, where players can bet without seeing their cards.
  • Show or Side Show (optional): After the first betting round, players may have the option to ask for a “show” or a “sideshow.” A show is a declaration where a player reveals their cards, and a sideshow allows one player to compare their cards with another player to determine who has the better hand.
  • Subsequent Rounds: The game continues with additional betting rounds. Players can decide to bet based on the strength of their three-card hand, to have the lowest-ranked hand.
  • Showdown: If more than one player remains after the final betting round, a showdown occurs. Players reveal their cards, and the one with the lowest-ranking hand wins the pot.

Hand Rankings in Muflis Game:

In Muflis, the hand rankings are reversed compared to Teen Patti. Here are the hand rankings, from highest to lowest:

  1. High Card: The player with the highest card has the weakest hand.
  2. Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
  3. Color: Three cards of different ranks but of the same suit.
  4. Sequence (Run): Three consecutive cards, not necessarily of the same suit.
  5. Pure Sequence: Three consecutive cards of the same suit.
  6. Trail or Set: Three cards of the same rank. This is the weakest hand in Muflis.

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3- AK47:

In this variation, players with specific cards—A (Ace), K (King), 4, and 7—enjoy special privileges during the game.

Objective: The objective of AK47 is the same as in Teen Patti: to have the best three-card hand among all the players and win the pot.
Deck: AK47 is typically played with a standard 52-card deck without jokers. The standard card rankings apply, with A (Ace) being the highest and 2 being the lowest.
Ante: Before the cards are dealt, each player must contribute a predetermined amount to the pot. This is known as the “ante.”

Dealing with Cards in AK47:

1- The dealer shuffles the deck thoroughly.
2- Each player is dealt three cards face down.

Betting Rounds in AK47:

Similar to Teen Patti, AK47 involves several betting rounds where players can bet, call, raise, or fold. The betting rounds usually follow this sequence:

  • Boot Amount: The first betting round begins with the player to the left of the dealer placing the “boot” or the mandatory initial bet. Subsequent players then have the option to match the bet (call), raise it, or fold.
  • Blind Bets (optional): Some variations allow for blind bets, where players can bet without seeing their cards.
  • Show or Side Show (optional): After the first betting round, players may have the option to ask for a “show” or a “sideshow.” A show is a declaration where a player reveals their cards, and a sideshow allows one player to compare their cards with another player to determine who has the better hand.
  • Subsequent Rounds: The game continues with additional betting rounds. Players can decide to bet based on the strength of their three-card hand.

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4- Best of Four:

In this variant, players are dealt four cards, but they must choose and play the best three out of those four cards to form their hand.

  • Objective: The objective of Best of Four is the same as in Teen Patti: to have the best three-card hand among all the players and win the pot.
  • Deck: Best of Four is typically played with a standard 52-card deck without jokers. The standard card rankings apply, with A (Ace) being the highest and 2 being the lowest.
  • Ante: Before the cards are dealt, each player must contribute a predetermined amount to the pot. This is known as the “ante.”
  • Showdown: If more than one player remains after the final betting round, a showdown occurs. Players reveal their chosen three-card hands, and the one with the best three-card hand wins the pot.
  • Hand Rankings: The hand rankings in Best of Four are the same as in Teen Patti. From highest to lowest:
  1. Trail or Set: Three cards of the same rank.
  2. Pure Sequence: Three consecutive cards of the same suit.
  3. Sequence (Run): Three consecutive cards, not necessarily of the same suit.
  4. Color: Three cards of the same suit, not in sequence.
  5. Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
  6. High Card: If no other hand is made, the player with the highest card wins.

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5- Stud:

Stud” is a term used in card games to refer to a type of poker variant where players are dealt a combination of face-up and face-down cards in multiple betting rounds. The key feature of stud games is that some of the player’s cards are visible to the other players at the table, creating a dynamic and strategic gameplay experience.

  • Dealing: Each player is dealt a certain number of cards, with some cards face up and others face down. The exact number of cards and the pattern of face-up and face-down cards can vary based on the specific variant being played.
  • Betting Rounds: Stud games typically involve multiple betting rounds, with players making betting decisions based on the visible cards and their hand’s potential.
  • Community Cards: Some Stud variants may include community cards that are shared among all players, adding an additional layer of complexity to the game.
  • Showdown: After the final betting round, the remaining players reveal their hands, and the player with the best hand wins the pot.

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6- Joker Hunt:

Joker Hunt is an exciting variation of Teen Patti where participants engage in a competitive pursuit to obtain the Joker card strategically. The player who successfully acquires the joker gains a tactical advantage over others in the game.

In this unique Teen Patti variation, the dealer distributes three cards to each player and places a specific number of cards face-up at the center of the table. The quantity of cards in the center is determined by twice the number of players plus 3. For example, if there are 4 players in the game, a total of (4×2+3) 11 cards will be displayed face-up.

Players take turns discarding one card from their hand, laying it face-down on the table. Additionally, players have the option to pick another card from the face-up cards in the center. This process of discarding and picking continues for two rounds until only three cards remain face-up on the table. These three cards then represent the jokers that each player can strategically use during the course of the game.

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7- King Little:

In this particular Teen Patti variant, both the Kings and the lowest-ranked cards, such as 2s and 3s, assume the role of joker cards, serving as wild cards that players can leverage to form formidable card combinations.

The game commences with the dealer distributing three cards to each participant. The identification of the joker for each player is based on the card with an odd color among the three cards dealt. It is worth noting that if a player’s three cards share the same color, that player is ineligible to continue in the game and is compelled to fold.

This unique rule introduces a strategic element to the gameplay, as players strive to acquire Kings and low-ranking cards of different colors, maximizing their opportunities to possess versatile joker cards and strategically employ them throughout the course of the game.

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8- Auction:

Auction is a widely enjoyed variation of Teen Patti, distinguished by the significant role that jokers play in determining card values. In this version, each player is initially dealt three cards, and subsequently, two sets of cards are placed in the center of the table. Each set comprises three cards, with the top card serving as a joker, visible to all players.

Prior to the commencement of the game, participants have the option to either view their cards or play blind. Following this, players engage in a bidding process for the joker sets. The highest bidder secures the joker set, which can then be employed to craft formidable card combinations. Notably, players who have already observed their cards and are confident in possessing a strong hand are not obligated to bid for the Joker sets.

The successful bidder has the privilege of replacing their initial cards with those from the acquired Joker set. Additionally, they can opt to play as either a blind or seen player with the new cards. In instances where the joker sets remain unpurchased, the joker card from the unrevealed set will act as a universal joker for all players. For instance, if the visible card is a 7, all 7s across suits will assume the role of jokers during the gameplay.

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9- Buying Jokers Seen & Unseen:

In this particular version of Teen Patti, participants are presented with the opportunity to purchase jokers from the deck, whether through a revealed or unrevealed approach. This modification introduces an intriguing element to the game, compelling players to make strategic decisions about whether to embrace the risk of acquiring new jokers or stick with their existing ones.

The gameplay unfolds as the dealer allocates three cards to each player, granting them the discretion to either unveil or keep their cards concealed. Within this setup, players hold the ability to designate one of their cards as a joker, with the associated cost predetermined. Furthermore, players retain the option to engage in the buying and selling of jokers amongst themselves, with each transaction governed by a pre-established cost.

This variation injects a layer of complexity into decision-making, as participants navigate the strategic choice between utilizing their current set of jokers or venturing into the unknown by acquiring new ones. The interplay of buying, selling, and transforming cards into jokers adds a distinctive and strategic dimension to this Teen Patti variation.

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10- 999:

In this contemporary Teen Patti variation, achieving a hand closest to 999 is the key to winning the game. The game retains the traditional values for number cards from 2 to 9, while introducing a unique scoring system for face cards. Among the face cards, only the Ace retains its value, counted as 1, while all other face cards, including King, Queen, Jack, and 10, hold no value. The primary objective is to aim for a score as close to 999 as possible, and the game places a particular emphasis on the number 9.

The most powerful hand in this variant is three nines (9-9-9), followed by other combinations involving 9s. Players strategically strive to assemble hands with 9s to strengthen their position in the game. The winning player is the one who manages to create a hand that comes closest to the 9-9-9 combination. The suits of the cards are inconsequential in this variation. Each face card is assigned a numeric value, and the values are as follows:

  • K, Q, J, and 10 = 0
  • 9 to 2 retain their numeric values (e.g., 9 = 9, 2 = 2)
  • A = 1
  • For example, if a player’s hand consists of J-9-3, the numeric representation is 063. This unique scoring system adds a distinctive and strategic element to the 999 Teen Patti variation.

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11- Sudden Death:

Sudden Death Teen Patti is an innovative variation that adds an element of high stakes to the traditional game. This version introduces sudden-death rounds where players face elimination if they hold the weakest hand. The excitement builds as the game progresses, ultimately culminating in a thrilling showdown until only one player emerges victorious.

The gameplay involves the dealer distributing 13 cards to each player. Subsequently, participants begin discarding their cards one by one until a player declares “Stop.” At this point, the highest card in each player’s hand is compared, determining the round winner and intensifying the competition.

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12- Discard One:

‘’Discard One” is a card game that involves players discarding cards strategically to achieve a specific goal or to outscore opponents. While the rules can vary, here is a general overview of how the game is typically played:

  • Number of Players: 3 or more players.
  • Objective: The main objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all of their cards or to score the fewest points when a predetermined number of rounds are played.

Setup of Discard One:

  1. Use a standard 52-card deck.
  2. Determine the dealer for the first round. The dealer may rotate clockwise in subsequent rounds.

Gameplay of Discard One Game:

  1. The dealer shuffles the deck and deals a predetermined number of cards to each player. The number of cards can vary based on house rules.
  2. Players hold their cards and take turns in a clockwise direction.
  3. On their turn, a player must discard one card from their hand to a central discard pile.
  4. The discarded card must be of equal or lower rank than the top card on the discard pile. For example, if the top card is a 7, the player can discard a 7 or any card with a lower rank (6, 5, 4, and so on).
  5. If a player cannot play a card on their turn, they may need to draw a card from the deck. Some variations allow players to draw only one card per turn, while others may have different rules.
  6. Special cards or actions may be introduced depending on house rules. For example, skip cards, reverse cards, or wild cards may change the direction of play or allow players to skip their turn.
  7. The first player to get rid of all their cards usually wins the round. If the game is played over multiple rounds, players earn points based on the cards left in their hand at the end of each round. The player with the lowest score after the predetermined number of rounds is declared the overall winner.

Variations: There are many variations of “Discard One,” and house rules can greatly influence the gameplay. Some versions include wild cards, special actions, or additional rules for certain cards. Players may choose to tailor the rules to their preferences.

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13- 2 Cards Open:

The Teen Patti term “2 cards open card game” is not a widely recognized or standardized name for a specific card game. However, it appears to suggest a game where players hold and play two open cards. Without a specific set of rules associated with this term, I’ll provide a general framework for a simple card game that involves players holding and playing two open cards.

Number of Players: 2 or more players.
Objective: The objective can vary, but a common goal might be to score points or to be the first to get rid of all cards.

Setup of 2 Cards Open Game:

  1. Use a standard 52-card deck.
  2. Determine the dealer for the first round. The dealer may rotate clockwise in subsequent rounds.
  3. Each player is dealt two cards face-up, which will be their “open cards.”
    Basic Rules:
  4. Players take turns in a clockwise direction.
  5. On their turn, a player can either draw a card from the deck or the discard pile.
  6. The player then plays one card from their hand (face-down) onto the discard pile. This card is not revealed to other players.
  7. After playing a card, the player must also choose one of their open cards and play it face-up for all players to see. This open card may interact with the gameplay based on its rank or suit.

Card Interactions:

  • Matching Ranks: If the open card matches the rank of the card just played, it might trigger a special action. For example, skipping the next player or reversing the direction of play.
  • Scoring: Assign point values to specific ranks, and players score points based on the open cards they play.


  • The game can continue until a predetermined number of rounds is completed, and the player with the lowest score wins.
  • Alternatively, the first player to reach a certain point threshold or to get rid of all their cards could be declared the winner.

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14- High Low Split:

High-Low Split is a poker variant commonly played in Omaha Hi-Lo and Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo, where the pot is divided between the player with the best high hand and the player with the best low hand. In Omaha Hi-Lo, players are dealt four private cards, and the pot is split after community cards are revealed in multiple betting rounds. In Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo, players receive a mix of face-up and face-down cards, aiming to create the best high and low hands by the showdown. The low hand disregards straights and flushes, with aces considered low. The game introduces the challenge of strategically competing for both the high and low portions of the pot, offering the possibility of scooping the entire pot with the best hands in both categories.

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15 – Plus Sign:

The Teen Patti variation known as “Plus Sign” brings a unique twist by incorporating mathematical operations involving card values. In this version, players are dealt three cards each, and a plus sign, composed of five cards, is positioned at the center of the table. These five cards serve as jokers, capable of assuming any value. The interesting element is that players must decide whether to use the jokers from the horizontal set or the vertical set, a determination typically made by the dealer. Strategic thinking becomes paramount as participants aim to formulate mathematical expressions that yield the highest possible total value, introducing a distinctive and engaging aspect to the traditional Teen Patti game.

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16- 1942 A Love Story:

This variation seamlessly blends the thrill of Teen Patti with elements inspired by the movie “1942: A Love Story.” Infused with the essence of the film, it introduces distinctive rules and twists that enhance the overall gameplay, creating a more immersive and engaging experience for players.

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17- Lallan Kallan:

Lallan Kallan stands out as a well-received Teen Patti variation in India, incorporating a distinctive concept where Lallan (odd-numbered cards) and Kallan (even-numbered cards) assume the role of jokers. This variant introduces a novel twist, demanding players to strategize with this unique set of wild cards. Each player is dealt three cards, and the card with the odd colour is designated as the joker. Notably, participants without an odd colour card face disqualification and must fold, adding an intriguing layer to the game dynamics.

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Other Variations of Teen Patti Card Games are –

Game NameType
High WildSimilar to Low Wild, but with a designated high wild card.
Jokers WildInclude one or both jokers in the deck as wild cards.
No-LimitNo maximum bet is imposed.
Blind PotPlayers contribute to the pot without seeing their cards.
Community CardA shared card is placed in the centre for all players to use.
Wild DrawDraw cards are designated as wild.
Two-LivesPlayers get two chances to make the best hand.
CrossfirePlayers can play cards on the opponents’ hands.
Lowest BootThe player with the lowest boot starts the betting.
Highest BootThe player with the highest boot starts the betting.
Triple ActionPlayers can choose to fold, play, or show their cards after the deal.
Two-TurnPlayers get two turns to improve their hand.
Wild 5’sAll 5’s are wild cards.
Dealer’s ShowThe dealer can choose to show their cards at any point.
Best of BothPlayers can use the best combination of their two cards.
Lowest SpreadThe player with the lowest spread between cards wins.
Highest SpreadThe player with the highest spread between cards wins.
7 of SpadesThe seven of spades is the highest card.
Muflis 2Similar to Muflis but with additional rules.
No PeakPlayers don’t look at their cards until the showdown.
Kiss, Miss, Bliss Three rounds of betting with special actions on certain cards.
Four SuitCards from all four suits are used.
Draw One, Play TwoPlayers draw one card but play two in each round.
Pair ViewPlayers can view one of their opponent’s cards.
One-Eyed JacksOnly the Jack of hearts and spades are used.
Double CrossPlayers can cross twice during the game.
Odd EvenOdd-numbered cards are wild on odd rounds; even-numbered cards are wild on even rounds.
Seven Up Seven Down7 is the highest, and 2 is the lowest card.

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Type of Teen Patti Game FAQs

1- What is Teen Patti?

Teen Patti is a popular card game that originated in India. It is a simplified form of poker and is often played with variations that add unique rules and twists to the traditional game.

2- What is Plus Sign Teen Patti?

Plus Sign Teen Patti is a variation that incorporates mathematical operations using joker cards. Players receive three cards, and a plus sign made with five Joker cards is placed in the centre. Players strategize to create the highest mathematical value.

3- Can you explain Lallan Kallan Teen Patti?

Lallan Kallan is a popular Indian Teen Patti variation where odd-numbered cards (Lallan) and even-numbered cards (Kallan) act as jokers. Players are dealt three cards, and the card with the odd colour becomes the joker. Players without an odd colour card are disqualified.

4- What is Sudden Death Teen Patti?

Sudden Death Teen Patti introduces high-stakes elements, and players compete in sudden-death rounds. In each round, the player with the weakest hand is eliminated until only one player remains, creating an intense gaming experience.

5- How is High-Low Split played in Teen Patti?

High-Low Split, often played in Omaha Hi-Lo or Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo, involves splitting the pot between the best high hand and the best low hand. Players aim to create both a strong high hand and a low hand to win their respective shares of the pot.

6- Are there movie-themed Teen Patti variations?

Yes, some variations incorporate themes from movies, adding unique rules inspired by the film. These versions aim to make the game more engaging by integrating elements from popular movies.

7- How do I determine the joker in Lallan Kallan?

In Lallan Kallan Teen Patti, the card with the odd colour is considered the joker. Players strategize based on the odd and even-numbered cards in their hands, and those without an odd-colour card are disqualified.

8- What makes Plus Sign Teen Patti unique?

Plus Sign Teen Patti stands out with its mathematical twist. The game includes a plus sign made with five joker cards, allowing players to strategically create mathematical expressions for the highest value.

9- How is the winner determined in Sudden Death Teen Patti?

In Sudden Death Teen Patti, players compete in elimination rounds. The player with the weakest hand is eliminated in each round until only one player remains, who is declared the winner.

10- Can I create my own Teen Patti variation?

Absolutely! Teen Patti is known for its flexibility and adaptability. Feel free to create your variation by introducing unique rules, themes, or twists to make the game more interesting for you and your fellow players.


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