Pool is a widely enjoyed game, played by millions around the globe. There are numerous variations of pool, each with unique rules and formats. Among these, the most popular versions are 'eight-ball' and 'nine-ball' pool, which originated in the United States.

Both variations are played on a standard pool table with six pockets, and each has its own set of international championships. Eight-ball, in particular, is the most commonly played version. It's the game you're most likely to encounter at a local pool hall and the one most people associate with the term “pool.”

One popular cue sport that can provide you with ultimate fun offline as well as online. But, you must know about certain rules which can guide you through the game to win big rewards. It is a call shot game played with a cue ball and fifteen object balls, numbered 1 through 15. A player must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 through 7 (solid colours), while the other player has 9 thru 15 (stripes). The one who would pocket his 8 balls first without any fouls would be considered the winner of the game. 

Game Objective

The aim of pool is to sink all your assigned balls (stripes or solids) and then successfully pot the 8 ball to win the game. Pool matches typically consist of multiple games in a "best of" series, requiring players to win a certain number of games to secure the match victory. Players need to utilize a combination of offensive and defensive skills, along with strategic thinking, to outperform their opponent and win the match.

Players & Equipment

To play pool, you need the following equipment:

  • Table: A standard pool table measures roughly 9 feet by 4.5 feet, but games can be played on tables of various sizes.
  • Balls: There are 16 balls in total. These include a white cue ball, seven striped balls, seven solid-coloured  balls, and one black 8-ball.
  • Cues: Each player uses a cue stick, which can be made from materials like wood, carbon fibre, or fibreglass. These sticks serve as the means to precisely strike the cue ball during gameplay.
  • Chalk: Players use chalk on the tip of their cues to enhance control and ensure better contact between the cue and the ball.

What Are The 8 Ball Pool Rules?

  • The world of pool is marked by its diverse rule sets, often varying from one region to another, or even between different establishments. However, the World Pool Billiard Association (WPA) has established a standardized framework of rules applicable to both amateurs and professionals alike.
  • Prior to the commencement of a game, the object balls are arranged in a triangular rack at the lower end of the table, with the apex ball placed on the foot spot. Except for the black 8-ball, which occupies the center of the third row, the order of the balls is random. The white cue ball is positioned behind the service line, with its placement at the player's discretion.
  • For the opening break, a coin toss determines which player has the option to break. Subsequent breaks alternate between players. A legal break necessitates that at least four balls make contact with cushions and the cue ball remains on the table without being pocketed. Should the 8-ball be potted during the break, the player may request a re-rack.
  • The player who successfully pots an object ball must continue attempting to pocket balls of their designated group (stripes or solids), while their opponent aims to do the same with the other group. Play alternates between players until a foul is committed or an object ball is not pocketed, at which point the opposing player assumes control of the table.
  • In the event of a foul, the opposing player gains the advantage of placing the cue ball anywhere on the table. Various fouls exist in pool, including failure to make contact with one's own object balls, potting the cue ball, pocketing an opponent's object ball, double hitting the cue ball, pushing it instead of striking, or taking a shot out of turn.
  • Once a player clears all their designated balls, they must pocket the 8-ball in the designated pocket. Failure to designate a pocket or potting the 8-ball elsewhere results in the opponent regaining control of the table. Let's Understand the Terms and Rules in detail.

What Are The 8 Ball Pool Rules? 

1- Call Shot

Typically, players must call the ball and pocket they intend to hit. For instance, if you are shooting a striped ball into a corner pocket, you should announce both the ball number and the pocket. If the called shot is successful, you can continue shooting otherwise, it passes on to your opponent. 

The opening break is not a “Called shot”. The one who performs a break shot in 8-ball may continue to shoot his next shot so long as he has legally pocketed any object ball on the break. 

Also, when you are doing the call shot in the 8-ball game, it is not necessary to demonstrate details such as the number of banks, cushions, caroms etc. The balls pocketed on a foul would stay pocketed, regardless of whether they belong to the shooter or any other player. 

2- Rack and Break

The game starts with 15 balls racked in a triangle at the foot of the table. Any player will break by hitting the cue ball from behind the head string, trying to scatter the balls. 

3- Groups

Those 15 balls would consist of seven solid-coloured balls, numbered 1 to 7, seven striped balls with 9 to 15 and the black 8 ball. One of the players would be assigned the solids, and the other will be assigned the stripes. 

4- Break Shot

To have a legal break, the breaker with the cue ball behind the head string must either pocket a ball or drive at least four numbered balls to the rail. If he/she is not able to make that legal break, it is considered to be a foul. Then, the incoming player has the option of accepting the table in position and shooting. 

5- Jump and Masse shot foul

In the 8-ball pool game, while “cue balls foul only” is the rule of play when a match is not presided over by a referee, a player should also be aware that it will be considered a cue ball fall if during an attempt to jump or even masse the cue ball. 

6- Ball Potting

When a legal break is done, players take turns attempting to pocket the balls of their designated group. So, if a player pots a ball, they would get another turn. 

7- Pocketing the 8 ball

The player who legally pockets all their group’s balls, be it stripes or solid, would get to shoot the 8-ball to win the game. But, potting the 8-ball before your group is cleared or fouling during the shot results in losing the game. 

8- Fouls in 8 Ball Pool

There are some common fouls that can be done in the 8-ball pool game. Have a look at them. 

  • Not hitting any balls with the cue ball on a shot. 
  • Pocketing the cue ball or potting the 8-ball on the break. 
  • Not hitting the lowest numbered ball first but except on the break. 
  • Potting the 8-ball in the wrong pocket or before your group is cleared. 
  • Hitting the cue ball off the table. 

9- Scratch

If any player scratches or pots the cue ball, the opponent gets the ball in hand, allowing them to place the cue ball anywhere on the table for their next shot.

10- Scoring in 8 Ball Pool

A player would be entitled to continue shooting until he fails to legally pocket a ball of his group. After pocketing every ball, he is allowed to shoot the 8-ball. 

11- Combination Shots

The player can also go for the combination shots, but the 8-ball cannot be used as a first ball in the combination except when the table is open during the game. 

12- Object Balls Jump off the Table

In case of any object, the ball has jumped off the table, it would be considered as a foul and loss of turn, but unless it is the 8-ball, it would result in the loss of the whole game. 

13- “SAFETY” Shot

A player can go for pocketing an obvious object ball and then discontinue his turn at the table by declaring “safety” in advance. It is considered to be a legal shot. Also, if the shooter intends to play safe by pocketing an object ball, before the shot, he has to declare the “safety” first. In case, he does not declare, the shooter will be required to shoot again. 

Loss of 8 Ball Pool Game

The player tends to lose the game in such scenarios. 

  • Fouls when pocketing the 8-ball
  • Pockets the 8 ball on the same stroke as the last of his group of balls. 
  • Jumps the 8-ball off the table at any point in time. 
  • If any player pockets the 8 ball in a pocket other than the designated ball. 
  • Pockets the 8 ball when it is not the legal object ball. 


1. What is the playing surface in an 8 Ball Pool?

Playing surface: The playing surface in 8 Ball Pool is a rectangular, cloth-covered pool table with six pockets. The smoothness and condition of the cloth can affect the speed and direction of the pool balls.

2. Who is the opposition player in the 8 Ball Pool?

Opposition player: The opposition player, or opponent, is the person you are competing against in a game of 8 Ball Pool. The goal is to pocket all your designated balls (either solids or stripes) before they do, and then legally pocket the black ball (8 ball) to win.

3. What is the significance of the black ball in the 8 Ball Pool?

Black ball: The black ball, or 8 ball, is the final ball that must be pocketed to win the game. It can only be legally pocketed after all of your designated group of balls (solids or stripes) have been pocketed.

4. How do you handle an opponent’s ball in an 8 Ball Pool?

Opponents ball: You must avoid hitting or pocketing your opponent's balls directly. Doing so results in a foul, giving your opponent a ball in hand or other advantages according to the 8 Ball rules.

5. What should you do if a pool ball is illegally pocketed?

Illegally pocketed balls: If a ball is pocketed illegally (e.g., pocketing the 8 ball out of turn, or not hitting your designated group of balls first), the opposing player is given a ball in hand, allowing them to place the cue ball anywhere on the table for their next shot.

6. What are the key features of a pool table used in 8 Ball Pool?

Pool table: A pool table for 8 Ball Pool features six pockets (four corner pockets and two side pockets), a felt-covered playing surface, and specific markings such as the head spot and foot spot. The table size can vary, but the most common is 7 feet.

7. How important is the cue tip in 8 Ball Pool?

Cue tip: The cue tip is the small, leather-covered part at the end of the cue stick that strikes the cue ball. A well-maintained cue tip is crucial for accurate shots, as it provides better grip and control over the cue ball.

8. What is a solid ball in 8 Ball Pool?

Solid ball: Solid balls are the group of pool balls numbered 1 through 7. In contrast to striped balls (numbered 9 through 15), a player must pocket all solid balls if assigned to this group to legally attempt to pocket the 8 ball.

9. What does the term "remaining ball" refer to in 8 Ball Pool?

Remaining ball: The term "remaining ball" refers to any of the balls that a player still needs to pocket before legally attempting to pocket the 8 ball.

10. What is the function of a cue stick in 8 Ball Pool?

Cue stick: The cue stick is the primary tool used to strike the cue ball. It consists of a long, straight shaft with a cue tip at one end. Proper handling and technique with the cue stick are essential for making accurate and controlled shots.

11. What are the basic 8 Ball rules players need to know?

8 Ball rules: The game starts with a break shot. Players are assigned either solid or striped balls after the break. They must pocket all balls of their group before legally pocketing the 8 ball to win. Fouls result in a ball in hand for the opponent, and the game is lost if the 8 ball is pocketed out of turn or illegally.

12. Who is the shooting player in 8 Ball Pool?

Shooting player: The shooting player is the one currently taking their turn at the table. They continue shooting until they fail to pocket a ball or commit a foul, at which point the turn passes to the opposition player.

13. How can I download 8 Ball Pool?

To download 8 Ball Pool, you can visit the app store on your device and search for "8 Ball Pool". Once you find the game, simply click on the download button to install it on your device.

14. What are some tips and tricks for playing 8 Ball Pool?

There are several strategies to improve your game in 8 Ball Pool. Some tips include practicing your shots, mastering bank shots, understanding spin and English, and learning defensive play. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.

15. What are the rules to play 8 Ball Pool?

The rules of 8 Ball Pool include calling your shots, breaking and racking the balls, assigning groups (stripes or solids), legal potting of balls, pocketing the 8 ball, fouls, scratches, scoring, combination shots, safety shots, and conditions for winning or losing the game.

16. Why is there an age restriction for playing 8 Ball Pool?

No, there is no any age restrictions but if your are playing 8 ball pool where you can earn money as well buy playing then, some jurisdictions have age restrictions for online gaming due to gambling elements or mature content associated with certain games.