Ludo is a game of luck and strategy, as players must decide which tokens to move based on the dice rolls and how to strategically position their tokens to block opponents and protect their own. Big Ludo on BigCash is a bit different from traditional Ludo games. Let’s check out the rules.
1. Setup:
There are two players in Big Ludo as it’s played between two players who have put in money. Both of them are given a colour and their four tokens are there on the designated starting area. Each move will give you a point and these points will be considered at the end to decide who is winning the game.
2. Starting the Game:
Both the players get pre-defined 24 moves. Here, you don't need a 6 to start your game. The tokens are already out from their home and on their first base. If you miss 3 of your turns and do not move your tokens you will be dropped from the game.
3. Movement:
On your turn, as you already know what number to move, you need to move one of your tokens according to the number on your dice. You just have to decide which token you have to move. Tokens can only move forward along the track in a clockwise direction. Here, If you roll a 6, you do not get another turn after moving your token.
4. Capturing Tokens:
If your token lands on a space occupied by an opponent's token, the opponent's token is sent back to its starting area. However, if your token lands on a space occupied by your own token, you create a "blockade". You will gain an extra move and +2 bonus points for capturing opponents' tokens. Players will lose points as per the blocks token has moved on being captured by the opponents.
5. Safe Zones:
Each player has a safe zone near their home area where their tokens are safe from capture. Tokens in these zones cannot be captured by opponents. If two of your tokens share the same space, you will get an additional 2 points, and if three of your tokens share a space, you will get an additional 3 points.
6. Entering Home:
Once you've moved your tokens around the board and back to your home area, you will let your token enter the home and on entering you will get an extra move and + 56 points.
7. Winning the Game:
Either when completing 24 moves whoever has the highest points wins the game or the first player to move all four of their tokens into their home area wins the game.
8. Ludo Contests and Tables:
There are several Ludo contests running on the BigCash app. These contests vary on the winning amount and number of players.